Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dear Michael

Note: I was asked to write a letter for a dear friend's baby, for him to read on his eighteenth birthday. At the time I was thrilled and thought how wonderful it would be. But when it actually came down to writing it, I was clueless and nothing seemed good enough. What could I possibly say to a boy eighteen years from now?! Phew! No pressure! 
In any case, I have penned some food for thought. And doubting very much if he will ever appreciate this, I have succumbed and I am putting a mail in the post. While the letter finds its way to his current home in Canada, awaiting its mysterious fate, I thought I'd share some part here (before, I bite my tongue)! 

Dear Michael,

As of today, you would be a solid 18 years of age (and  a decade younger than I am, as I write you this letter). 

It would be foolish to assume that I know much about life,  but as I commandeer over two decades of wisdom, I will attempt to share with you what I have learnt so far.  You would hopefully let me know how I have done? 

When I was 18, I was a starry-eyed kid with a big white hope. As far as I was concerned, there were so many possibilities.
I have come a long way since, but being where I am today, has its perks. And while being adult comes with its fair share of baggage,  yet Life never ceases to amaze me. All the world around us. That's where I still feel that estranged connection with my 18-years old self. 

Upon this thought, here's what I wish for you- that you are able to carry your past as you live your current and move toward the future, with joy and grace.  I assure you, it is a beautiful kaleidoscope of things. 

Don't ever lose that stubbornness- Rebel, explore, be curious. And no matter the nervousness, stay stubborn to learn  and to be yourself. 

Dream- If you haven't one already, find one. It's the most wonderful thing. It's crucial you have one - for it will steer your life . Years from now, when you are unhappy with your job and career, you will hear of your mates doing wonderful things and you will look back and ask yourself where did you go wrong. Essentially, it was just a matter of a dream they had, and you din't. And if one doesn't work, it's time to go find another one! 

Be Brave- It's a big bad world and it's not easy being yourself. But try. You will be clueless, your friends and peers will intimidate you, you will doubt yourself, but hold courage. Always.

Love honestly - Love, big or small, but love honestly. Don't pretend if you're not in love. And don't be scared if you are. As long as your heart knows it, and you are honest with your heart, people will understand. After that if people are disappointed or if they reject you- well it's their doing, and not yours. 

Empathise- Try to lift yourself above commiseration. Try to understand and enable. Respect your parents, respect women, know the lesser fortunate. When you are crying about not being able to buy a ticket to a concert you'd like to go to, remind yourself that there are children who do not know what music is. And in realising so, if you are also able to help them in any way, there is nothing more rewarding.

Don't hesitate- There will always be expectations. And you will be obliged to live up to them, but try to remember that eventually, everything finds a balance. And while it takes a lot of patience, which you will develop over time (hopefully) but every person has a perspective- and you may not necessarily get it or understand it. But just because, you don't, doesn't mean that they are wrong. You are just different. Don't hesitate to express your views, while accepting others' .

Don't regret - If there is something I have lived by, is that you should not regret. The ugly also has its charm- it makes us stronger and scars remind us of where we've been and where we'd like to go. Life is a sum total of all your experiences, and while each one comes with its share of pain and joy- it makes up your life and it makes of all of who you are. You will learn that things happened to you at a time, because you were meant to learn something out of it. 

Make memories- Little ones. Lot's of them! This big, bad, mad, crazy, wonderful, confusing, beautiful thing called life!, is just one shot you get and make it worth the while. Seize the day, my friend.

Skeptics may say, Life is never the literature you imagined, but your story is your own. Don't be afraid to imagine it as you go along. Make it a Ferris-wheel kind of ride. Roller coasters are so over-rated! 

Oh, and it would be well to advise that the best armor there is- is a sense of humour! 

Love always, you blessed child,

Auntie Aishwarya 

I Don't know about U, but this works for me!!

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