Monday, February 17, 2014


Dear Bubba,

I am honestly quite over mending and fixing things. They are broken. It hurts when you say it out loud. But the fact remains- it is. 

You spend days and days trying to think of ways to save it, to repair it. All of your waking hours, you calculate, you devise ways to make enough, save enough , so that you can get it fixed. It becomes an obsession. And then, very soon, this very obsession takes over in the form of depression. You chide yourself, you blame everything and everyone: you are reminded of all of your failures. All the things you couldn't have, you gave up on, you lost. It's a vicious cycle, this one. It is! 

And many a times on account of all the things that are broken or lost, you forget to notice the things that are around you, Here. 

I have therefore, learnt to let go. It's a self-taught discipline. Nobody tells you how hard it is. You will just have to find it out for yourself. 

I suggest you do the same, Bubba. If your favourite vase is chipping, endure till it wears out. It has run its course. And until it does, buy some of 'em really pretty flowers and fill it. Don't place it as a master-piece no more, but don't abandon it either. The flowers will help you remember just how pretty it was even when it was breaking... 

Don't hurt. Just, let it go. 

Yours truly,

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