Sunday, September 14, 2014

Don't just stop listening yet.

This World is no place for Idealism. And how do I know this? Because, I read it on Buzzfeed! (If you are not already smiling, then the joke's lost on you! ) 

Also, because I think I am entitled to a little wisdom - given my life and the sum of my experiences, which  ironically  is very short-lived  (Yes, I convince myself from time to time that I am much younger than I think).  

However, science states that no Hypothesis can ever be discounted. Yes, we will go with science , and logic. 

Do you smile more often than you are smiled back at?  (I thought as much)

Are you often heard saying "I think I am taken for granted!" ? ( Why do you event try?)

How do you like your egg?  ( Okay that was completely irrelevant! ) 

Let me re-frame that question- does your partner prefer the style of cooking the egg to your taste or just assumes it's scrambled or sunny side-up ? ( what? You are vegan?!! Whatever! ) 

Do you offer to help out more than you receive a thank-you? 

Do you remember to wish people on their birhtdays and I mean all 7hundred of your FB friends? 

Now, how many of them remember to wish you back? ( Do the math) 

How many of your ex-collegues and acquaintances and yes, friends  (of some time ago) call you to ask for help  and if they have to return the favour they ping you back on whatsapp to say - "hey missed your call, whats up!"( feel like punching a wall? don't! it hurts!) I, for one, could swear a good pair of Louboutins for every penny I collected everytime somebody called me to ask me for help or CONTACTS. Hah! 

Have you been judged, for being the spoilt or the privileged kid because your grandparents/ parents dote on you ?  (Oh yes, because they assume you are being spoilt . And oh yes, because they were such Samaritans fending the big bad world all by themselves. They are all such Self-made men and women!)

Are you surrounded by hypocrites who talk about changing the world, criticise governemnts and society and often neglect that poor man/ woman/ home-help who needs that money more than they do? ( yes, they could spend it on ZARA or OLD MONK)

Have you been pushed  back in queues , because there is a girl/ lady/ woman or some plain -ass jerk who demands to be accomodated?

In your relationship does your partner keep telling you that you don't give back? ( the expectations never end, my friend) 

Oh and humour me, do you have a Boss or Landlord? 

If the responses to all of the above are an affirmative, then you are closer to - peace. Awareness, Buddha, told is the step closer to enlightenment. 

And while we still fight our battles of spirituality, individuality (write about all of the above:-P) and other shenanigans, I have learnt to Ignore. " If you really care for me, you will shut-up!" 

Up untill recently, I believed that one has to fight back- if one needs to survive. Unfortunately, that means you'd have to fight 6 billion versions of you. Futile. 

A simpler and more effective solution is to realise what you could do / should do rather than what should be done, or what should be. Focus on your path. Just yours. 

Thanks for listening....

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

In awe of a Labourer

Sways, Staggers, Limps and Falls,
It plays not, cries not, laughs not, but Works;
A laborer from dawn till dusk,
Its tawny colored body
Gleams in the light.
The little Man goes on and never complains!
My eyes enthralled, watch it in awe,
As it climbs and falls and never says "Can't!"
When God thought of earnestness, he thought of an ANT.

Let's colour the sky Red

Let's color the grass blue,
The trees orange, and the Earth pink.
The flowers all lavender, because that's my favourite colour.

 don't want magenta, crimson or scarlet running wild anywhere.
It is terrifying to see the brown earth coloured in them,
It makes me want to run to momma and hug her tight..
Only that momma is no longer there......
Neither is papa, with his arms around me,
Nor my sister or my brother to soothe me as i cry.

Mrs. Hastings with her cat precious is no longer our neighbour.
Daddy said she moved away in a big machine that had many others like her.
The street looks so colourless today; it looks pale.
People everywhere say they are either white or black.
But I don't want to be black or white,
 want to paint all their faces with the colours of the rainbow...

"Let's colour the sky Red", i said.
i want everybody to be under it, it's the colour of our blood.
It spoils the Earth when strewn with it.
High up, it reminds me of a red glass, like the one  once saw in church.
could see God through it and  like it in the sky.
 called out again.
Daddy didn't come with the paint brush. Momma didn't move.
Everybody is just quiet. Nobody is listening to me.
 don't think  like colouring any more.